Category Archives: Twitter

Infographic of the Day – Do Employers like Social Media?

Does your employer allow / encourage / frown upon, social media use in your work place. I suppose the question is relevancy, will it effect your job performance or the companies profile?

With many employers hiring through LinkedIn, should employers encourage responsible use of social media in the work place?

Todays infographic, from the guys over at Pay Scale, looks at employers attitudes to Social Media.


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Filed under Facebook, Social Media, Twitter

Infographic of the Day – Twitter Best Practice

So your starting out on your Social Media journey for your brand.

For a large chunk of Brands, Twitter will become an engine for driving engagement, monitoring social sentiment around your brand and engaging in social conversations.

So todays Infographic shares some ‘Best Practice’ tips for using Twitter. Take these tips on board and you can’t go too wrong with your Twitter strategy.


Twitter, Unorthodoxx Digital, Best Practice, Social Media


Filed under Infographic, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Twitter